Add a question

In order to create a Test you first need to add Questions. For you convenience you can view and reuse questions from any other course you own. At some point you will have to add new questions though. Six main types of questions are available (1):

  • Multiple choice questions: type the question text, add the multiple choices and define the correct one(s). You can add feedback which will be shown to the learner after submitting his answer.
  • Match questions: type the question text and use brackets [..] for the possible answers. When you use | to offer multiple answers the first should be the correct one. You can add feedback which will be shown to the learner after submitting his answer.
  • Ordering questions: type the question text and add the possible answers in the correct order. We will mix the answers for the end-user. You can add feedback which will be shown to the learner after submitting his answer.
  • Drag and drop questions: type the question text and add the possible couples in the correct order. We will mix the answers in each side for the end-user. You can add feedback which will be shown to the learner after submitting his answer.
  • Free text question: type the question and allow free text answers. The answer is considered correct if the accumulated points exceed a specific threshold. You can define how many points are earned or lost based on the appearance of specific keywords in the answer. You can add feedback which will be shown to the learner after submitting his answer
  • Randomized question: type the question name and select the questions that will be part of this randomized pool.


Use the "Add" button in front of any question (2) to make it part of the test.

Set questions order

If you prefer precise control you can set your questions order from this option.


Set question weight

If you prefer you can set the weight of each question (1).


Test options

In Test options you can control a number of parameters for your test; these include the following:

  • Test duration: A test is auto-submitted when its duration is exceeded. Leave this option empty if you do not want a duration for your test (1).
  • Pass score: An end user needs to get this minimum to pass the Test (2).
  • Repetitions: Allow the end use to repeat the test (3).
  • Randomizations: There is a plethora of randomization options like the question order or the answers order. Make each Test unique (4).
  • Completion: This option offers an overview of how the end-user did in the test compared with its peers (5).
  • Behavior: In this option you can define the behavior of your test in each question. For example you can allow movement on previous and next questions, do not allow to continue until the correct answer is chosen, or abandon immediately whenever cannot pass the question (6).
  • Security: You may require learner snapshot to start the test (7).
  • Description and messages: In this option you can define a short description of the test as well as the messages that will be shown when the test is passed or failed (8).
