Instructor-Led training, or ILT, is one of the traditional training modes where the instructor is generally leading the class in a classroom-type environment. This type of training may be held in a room, office, conference room or on a virtual location (video conference or better known as webinar).

From the course screen click on "Add" button and then select "Instructor-Led Training" (1) to create a new ILT event.


On the main ILT screen define the "Unit name" (1) and then click on a specific day on the calendar below to create a new session (2). Alternatively, you can view current sessions and create new ones from the sessions' grid view by clicking on the respective button (3). Common session operations available from both calendar and grid views are edit, clone, delete and view session's registered users.

On the top-right is the "Users" (4) button where you can manage registered and unregister users by adding or removing them from a session.



Click on the "Add session" button to create a new session. Define the required fields: name, date and start time (1). Capacity is optional. Leave it blank for no restrictions. Select the instructor that will be in charge of this session and define the session type (2).

Sessions may be either of classroom-type or webinar-type. Classroom sessions are held in a physical place. You can write in the textbox on the right, a few details about the physical location. Webinars on the other hand are held on a virtual location. Defining a session as a webinar gives you the option to take advantage of the ATMeyer Training's integrated video-conference solution based on BigBlueButton, by checking the "Create a new webinar" checkbox (3). Creating an integrated video-conference webinar raises some limitation on Start time, Capacity, and Duration. Also have in mind that once an ILT session is defined as an integrated webinar, you cannot change its type, capacity and duration and you cannot clone it. The "Join webinar" link will be available to the instructor in charge of the session and all registered users from the course view page, the conferences page, and the calendar page.

Alternatively you may leave this check box unchecked and use your video-conferencing service of choice.

Define duration and description and click on the "Add session" button to save the session (4).



Below you can view the info pop-up that rises when clicking on a session in the calendar view for classroom-type (1) and webinar-type (2) sessions. The same pop-up is available to the learners on the calendar page, where the actions buttons (edit, users, clone) are replaced with the export button.



On the course view page, learners can view a list of available ILT sessions to register. Availability is primarily defined by time and capacity. Past as well as full sessions are not available for registering.

The learner then selects a session by clicking on the "Register" button. The selected session becomes part of their calendar. Users are free to register or un-register from available sessions.

When the time comes and based on the session type (classroom or webinar) user should attend the session by either joining the classroom or by clicking on the "Join webinar" link in case the session takes advantage of the ATMeyer Training's integrated video-conferencing service.

The ILT unit is considered completed when the instructor changes learner's status from "pending" to "passed" or "not passed" and optionally by defining a grade.

Once a user has been registered to a past session, and/or has completed the ILT unit he/she cannot un-register from that session.


Course instructors can manage ILT event's users from the "Users" page. On the first tab "Session user", you can view the registered users of the session selected (1). You can also set the status and grade of each user, notify them through email and remove them from the session (2).


On the second tab "All users" you can view all course's users regardless of whether they have registered or not to a session. You can select a different session on the Session select box (1) of a respective user to move the user to another session, or select "Remove from session".


Multi-day sessions

Multi-day sessions are a new way to define sessions for an ILT event. With multi-day sessions you can link sessions together to act as a single session. To create a multi-day session you should already have created at least one session to link with. All sessions that are part of a multi-day session are linked to the same session forming a multi-day group. Below (1), sessions "Day1", "Day2", and "Exams" form a multi-day sessions, by linking "Day2" and "Exams" sessions to the "Day1" session.


To link sessions together click on the "Edit" button of a session and then click on the "Multi session" link at the bottom of the form. Two new options will become available (1): the list of the sessions available for linking, and the new name of the multi-day session. Select a session, type the multi session name and click on the Update session button to form a multi-day session.


Multi day sessions are grouped together in the list view. All sessions forming a multi-day session, share the same group of registered users, a centralized multi-session name, capacity, and color. Certain limitations may apply for example in capacity if at least one of the linked sessions is of type webinar using the ATMeyer Training integrated video-conference solution.


Multi-day sessions are presented to the learner as a group of sessions as you can see below.
