The dashboard of Learner includes an overview of his or her courses. Each course has a few labels (1); click on a label to view only similar courses (e.g., only non-completed courses). Click the Info label to view information about the course (e.g., number of units, completion criteria). Click on the name of the course to start or resume it.

Course view

When you select a course you go directly to the course view mode and resume from the last seen unit. On the page header there are handles to go to next or previous unit as well as options to view your course progress and generic course info (1).


You need to complete units via various actions; these actions include a button, a question, a minimum elapsed time, or Complete/Incomplete (2). Depending on traversal rules you might need to complete units in a serial order. Each course has a course completion rule (e.g., complete a specific test or complete all units). When you complete a course a popup will appear with next step options. These may include an option to go to next course or download a certification.
